The Shareholder's Loan remains due and outstanding to the Vendor, free from and clear of any right of off-setting, counter-claims, subordination, encumbrance or other restriction of whatever nature. 未偿清的股东贷款必须支付给买方。股东的贷款不带任何抵销权、反索赔权、附属权、债务权或其他任何性质的约束。
The loan's yields of historical data on individual enterprise are used to get the correlation coefficient between different loans, and then get portfolio deviation and the VaR restriction on the model. 基于VaR的资产负债组合配给原理,通过企业贷款收益率的历史数据计算出各企业贷款收益率的相关系数,给出求解贷款组合方差的新方法,并由此得出模型中的VaR约束。
Great achievements have been achieved in short history of time on the operation and management of capital of non-governmental enterprise of China, there are prejudice and obstacle in loan of non-governmental enterprise, "the Quantum Restriction" in coming into the market; 我国民营企业资本运营在短暂的历史中成绩斐然,但是一方面民营企业贷款存在着歧视与障碍,上市有额度审核的限制;